It was not an easy decision to jump into the technology space with zero technical skills, especially to compete alongside well-funded technology giants. I remember knocking on many doors trying to convince investors and the tech community to believe in my vision, but was often met with constant ridicule and some calling the idea absurd. After exhausting all efforts, I embarked on a 9-month journey to teach myself how to program and bootstrapped the first Moovn app version with a budget of only $5000. This achievement gave me purpose and further strengthened my belief that I was on a pathway to change lives.
Moovn went from a single local market player to a global company during our first 3 years of operation. We began with rideshare services in Seattle and later establishing B2B transportation services in 6 key cities across the US. In 2018 we expanded operations in Kenya and Tanzania. Fast forward, Moovn Technologies today has not only managed to gain market traction around the world, but we have also come to gain praise within consumer and driver communities as the preferred and socially conscious brand.
In 2020, we pivoted our business model to include E-commerce, Package Deliveries and Mobile Payments services – all of which are integrated within a single solution ecosystem on the Moovn App. Basically, our App enables our customers to request rides, buy or sell products online, have packages delivered right to their doorstep as well as make cashless payments for services using MoovnPay (our proprietary wallet payment platform). This has largely been accomplished by taking bold and strategic steps to build innovative platforms that solve pressing human and community needs. Our founding mission has always been to improve the welfare of our drivers, customers and local businesses within the communities we operate. So, the next time you use the Moovn app, know that you are not only just getting a ride, but also contributing towards our ongoing efforts to transform urban mobility, reducing carbon emissions, creating employment opportunities, promoting financial inclusion and uplifting communities around the world. We appreciate your support.